An Hour In The Garage

If you follow me on Instagram, this content, apart from two pictures, will not be new. However, because not everyone is connected to some social media outlet, I have opted to share this series on my blog as well. This post and its images will also help keep my blog current, which has not been an easy task.

The weather at the beginning of the month was, even for Texas standards, eventful and unexpected. Rain filled the forecast, day in and day out, and thus forced me to postpone some of the ideas that I wanted to try. However, even when the weather improved I still did not go out and explore. Instead of utilizing the improving conditions to my advantage, I forced myself to clear my head, think outside of the box, and be creative. I believed that I should not have let the downpours suppress my imagination, nor should I have allowed myself to sit idle and use said stormy conditions as an excuse to not pick up a camera. With that in mind, I closed myself in my garage, pulled out a few pieces of gear, and began to experiment with a few ideas that I have kicked around for a while.

The setup that I used would make MacGyver proud, as it was rather crude, but it did the trick. To execute a few of the images, I used a basic clothing steamer and some LED lights with colored gels to create some unique detail shots of my car. I still have some tweaking to do on the process, but overall, I am happy with the result.

On to the pictures.

Tyler Fore

If you’re so inclined, lend a hand by checkin’ out the links below. They’ll help keep this wild ride rollin’ and the stories flowin’.

Grab Gear At Moment
Enjoy A Beverage From Athletic


Snowpocalypse Now